|Millions of Colors| allows best possible display of colors. The color palette contains the same colors as in |256 Colors|. |Thousands of Colors| displays about 32,000 colors. The color palette contains the same colors as in |256 Colors|. |256 Colors|: use the standard 256 color palette. |16 Colors|: the first row of colors are available when using a 16 color monitor display. |256 Grays|: use a palette of 256 gray levels. |16 Grays|: use a standard gray palette, but with the first row available for displays of 16 gray levels. |4 Grays|: use a standard gray palette, but with only the first 4 gray levels. || |Black and White|: when set, no color is set to the screen. If you wish to display white text, or other white colors, then choose one of the other palette modes.